
Friday, June 23, 2006


This is a listing and search of Podcasts.
This could very well come in handy if you are looking for instructions or certain feeds on stuff.
I think I may take this home and have a gander.
I think this one will end up in my links list.
Click Here

RIAA's Mission

The RIAA is out to invade everyones freedoms.
They are trying to play police for the internet in a grand fashion that could hurt even the innocent. It is amazing how low they have stuped. I think they are doing this more for the money than anything else.

Click Here

Stop Telemarketers

Here is a nifty little tool along with some insight on how those telemarketing computers work. In other words if you haveto say Hello more than once it is because it is a telemarketer.

Click Here for details

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Up to 500 GHz in speed

Using a transistor printed on a silicon wafer laced with germanium the researchers were able to develop a transistor that clocked in at around 350GHz at room temperature. When they dropped the temperature they got it up to 500GHz.
This essentially could be the beginning of new speeds in Computer Technology. If only Communication speed could catch up with this.
We just got over the Mhz hump and IBM is testing the boundry of the GHz. I think they will have us getting new computers at 500 GHz by 2020. If not THz!!! Yikes!!

Take a look!!